SubC Imaging’s subsea cameras and equipment have been used to produce sound science to ensure healthy and sustainable aquatic ecosystems for many years
Bamboo coral, an important environmental indicator in terms of long-term client change studies, were observed during the deployment
With SubC equipment aiding sound science, researchers were able to start to fill some important LSFA data gaps on the characterization of mesopelagic fish, demersal fish and benthic community ecosystems
Cutting Edge Equipment from SubC Imaging
SubC’s autonomous subsea camera solution consisted of a camera recording HD video for time lapse and high-resolution digital stills using LEDs mounted on a bait trap. The camera was programmable and the solution was powered by a battery system drawing very little power. This allowed for long deployments at sea to capture more data without the need for real-time control. Large amounts of data needed to be collected as the area was poorly understood and important ecosystem characterizations had to be observed before conservation objectives could be recommended.
Observing Climate Change Indicators
また、ベイトカメラトラップを展開した際には、バンブーコーラルも観察されました。これらのサンゴは、4,000 年以上前のものも発見されており、長期的な顧客変化調査の観点から重要な環境指標となっています。また、深海のサンゴは海底での底引き網の影響を非常に受けやすい種です。
Cost Effective Solutions
Conducting research in the harsh Labrador environment can be difficult. When working with a limited budget, it's vital to have the right equipment that will capture the best data possible. SubC Imaging’s autonomous camera solution reduces interface complexity and allows for the elimination of expensive cabling and infrastructure as it can be deployed on a simple wire winch. SubC’s 4K and HD subsea cameras supply power while the scripting feature allows the camera to operate independently without requiring an additional computer (or person) to send commands on a schedule.
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引用。コテ、D. ヘグランド、K. ルール、S. ロバートソン、G. ファイフィールド、D. ウォーハム、V. コボーン、E. マイレット、G. デバイン、B. ピルグリム、L. プリティ、C. ル・コレ、N. ローソン、J.W. フエンテス・ヤコ、C. メルシエ、A. 2019.ラブラドール海辺境地域の生物物理学的・生態学的構成要素の概要.DFO Can.Sci. Advis.Sec.Res.Doc.2018/067.
ウィキペディア - ブリットスター
ウィキペディア - バンブーコーラル